This app is a steganography tool to hide images or text in a image picture.
You can use it to hide and encrypt images or text in the least significant bits of pixels in an image.
To encode a text, image into an image, choose the image you want to use, Enter your text or Draw the image. and hit the encode button.
Save the encoded image, it will contain your hidden message.
This app provides both encoder and decoder.
Steganography is the practice of concealing a file, message, image within another file, message, image. Free OO converts/1 Day
Encode: Password for Encode/Decode:
1. Select a source image picture from your computer or Google Drive.
Reduce the size of the image if the source image size is greater than 1600px.
2. Draw you message or text in the canvas below. -->
Hidden Data Type:
Load Image from Clipboard
This Clipboard feature only supports Chrome, Firefox, IE11+, Edge.
Press the Ctrl+V, AppleKey+V after copying the image.
Firefox, IE11+, Edge browser: Give a focus to the input box below, and Press the Ctrl+V, AppleKey+V.
To use this app, Please login to the Google Drive and authorize this app or website.
(Note: If your browser block or disable the third-party cookies, this login does not work correctly.)